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Papa a la Huancaina

Cooked potatoes covered with a delicious cheese and chili sauce.


  • 300 gr. of fresh cheese or cottage cheese (preferably with little salt)
  • ½ cup of evaporated milk
  • 3 yellow peppers
  • 1 tablespoon of ground garlic
  • 1 package of crackers
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 kg of cooked potatoes
  • 4 boiled eggs
  • 250 gr. of botija olives
  • 1 lettuce


Remove the seeds and veins of the yellow peppers. Once clean, cook the peppers for one or two minutes in boiling water and then remove the skin. Reserve

Put in the blender a portion of the cheese cut into small cubes, milk, skinless peppers, ground garlic, oil and soda crackers. Blend and add the rest of the cheese until it forms a cream.

Try it. If it lacks salt rectify adding it to taste. If the cream is too thick, add a little more milk and blend again. If the cream is watery, add more cookies and blend again.

The traditional dish consists of the cream sprinkled on cooked potatoes. To do this, slice ​​the cooked potatoes, put them on a plate and cover them with the sauce you just prepared. Accompany with halves of cooked egg, olives and a few leaves of lettuce.


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